Thursday 11 November 2010

Learning English at the university

Hello today I am going to talk about my experience learning English at the university.

English is a fundamental tool to perform well in academic and professional fields, therefore in this context is extremely important to learn English. Universidad de Chile has structured a program with four courses and different levels for his/her students.

If you study in this university, you have to give a test and based on that test you will be at a level. I had to give that test and I stayed in the first course, I had to do all levels! : Starter, beginner, pre-intermediate and intermediate. Each level takes a semester to be completed and after the course a final test is taken to evaluate the knowledge, abilities and competencies acquired during the course. Once approved those four levels you will get a certification that confirm that the courses have been satisfied passed.

My experience in English courses of the university in general has been positive, I have enjoyed and I have learned things that I had not learned before, teachers are good, and they are motivating and patients and they’re always ready to help me when I need. I think the methodologies of class are really good, I can participate in many ways and I constantly receive feedback from teachers at the class. One of the things that I emphasize is the blogging experience which is a method that uses technology for learning. In relation to it my blogging experience was a very interesting experience, it was a new way of learning English that I never used before. It was fun and entertaining too! I honestly enjoyed it, because I could use my imagination and I could explore about topics related to my area and my preferences.

In conclusion, learning English at University have been a good experience, I sincerely feel that I have learned many things and I can say that I have improved my English. Related to this, It’s very important that we have a good training in English, in that point Universidad de Chile have done a good work, although the English program still has flaws.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Post 9: My sabbatical year!

Hello, today I’m going to talk about my sabbatical year.
It would be very entertaining to have a sabbatical year, I could do many things and I could go far away.
If I had a sabbatical year I would plan all days what I would do. I would have a list of all things that I would want to do every day.
I would like to travel to Chiloe and I stay there for several months, I have a cousin in this place and he invites me all the time, but I don’t have time and money for travel, so with a sabbatical year only I would have problem of money, but that it’s a detail.
If I travel to Chiloe, I could know the island and I could eat typical food, I could buy craftwork. Also in this place I could read all books that I haven’t read, for example, I would read books about philosophy, history and psychology, especially about psychoanalysis and post-rationalism.
When I returned of Chiloe, I would like paint my house. Long ago I want to paint facade of my house and inside of living room. In the summer I painted the kitchen, my mom’s room and mine.
Also I would like to repaint with oil. Long ago I painted in wood with oil, I don’t have much experience and technique, but I like and entertain me.
Too I would like to sleep till late.
I think that a sabbatical year it would be good, because I would have time for all things that I want to do.

Thursday 21 October 2010

Post 8: Environment

In the last years, the global pollution levels have been increasing due to the numerous toxic gases into the atmosphere, wasting energy and abundant accumulation of toxic waste.

Although that these pollutants are dumped into greater amounts of industrially, whether in factories, enterprises and mines, etc., we should be considerate of our environment and cooperate in their conservation, because there from that depends on our life and of the future generations.

Awareness is critical, because everything you do will help to have a healthier home. Therefore, every action must be oriented at the preservation of our environment.

It’s also important to remember that natural resources available could become exhausted. The deterioration that actually suffers the ecosystems is worrying; inclusive it can damage social welfare.

I think it's very important for society to develop a consistent global environmental education, allowing as result that every child, adolescent, young adult, understand why environmental problems arise, what consequences they bring, how to avoid and deal with them, how each they, by their conduct and action, can protect the environment locally and globally.

I’m aware that I care for the environment and therefore I implement some recommendations that I read on the internet and I've heard in the programs of Discovery Channel and National Geographic about the environment. Generally I recycle things from my home, for example, pencils, cardboard boxes, sheets of notebooks, etc., I use paper bags instead of plastic, I don’t use aerosols, I usually use glass bottles instead of bottles plastic, and I prefer to walk instead of riding in a car, although sometimes I have no choice because my house is very far from the university.

And what are you doing to help the environment? Remember that with simple actions you can help to save our environment and live in a healthier world.


Saturday 16 October 2010

Post 7: My last wild party!

Hello, I’m going to talk about my last wild party.

My last wild party it was a very long time. I was studying in Universidad de Santiago and it was in “Electro Fonda”. I don`t remember exactly day, but it was in national holidays.

Each year in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the university does a party to celebrate national holidays, actually I don`t know if do it in the same place and free, but when I studied there, it was free and the famous Usach pastures.

While I was studying I went to many parties but I remember most was when I was in third year of history. I went with my friends at that time; we danced and drank too much.

I met many people that day, of other careers and other universities; even I lost me with a guy for a while. The problem was that guy studied there and I encountered with him daily and I don’t even remembered his name. Now that I think is fun, but in those days it wasn’t, because I died of shame!

It was a wild party because I wasn’t the only one that ended drunk and lost with a guy, many of my friends ended like me and some worse.

I went almost every year that I studied at this university, because I was falling in love to a guy of that career, but I never found him, apparently he didn’t stay at college parties.

This year it seems that the party wasn’t, maybe next year, but I recommend you to "Electrofonda", you will have fun.


Post 6: Gender reassignment can take its toll on the mental health of vulnerable individuals

Juliet Jacques suffers from anxiety and depression since age 10, at the same age she realized that was transsexual.
The OMS classifies "gender dysphoria" as a mental illness, and in UK, transsexualism is treated in mental health services.

She says that in the school was terrified that others know of her choice. At that time, she didn't know transgender people, and, before the Internet, she didn't know where he could find, or hear their views on life.

Leaving school, go out and find new friends dissipated her anxiety for a while. But, unable to fit into any community, continued to struggle with the exact nature of their gender.
She started with psychological therapy and there she understood that her anxiety and depression much better than before the transition to a woman, she finally began to realize that it might be chemical rather than (or in addition to) psychological.
With antidepressants improved their depression and anxiety, but her energy levels dropped and their dreams were terrible. Also, daily activities were complicated, as it wasn't easy to stand as a woman with an identification of man.

Currently her doses are low and her dreams stopped, and increased energy levels and she feels much better to face life that decided to live.
Juliet thinks that some people lose their family, friends, etc. in the transition, however, what aggravates the transition are internal trauma that preceded her coming and the effects of a lifetime in a body that doesn't suit them. She thinks that it is society that makes it look like a transsexual perversion, so it isn't surprising that transgender people who lack access to support is harmed, sometimes fatally, in its fight against its momentum.
This news is relevant because it illustrates how psychological therapy can help to a person to accept herself.
If you want to read this entire review: news.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Post 5: "Taxi Driver"

Hello, I’m going to talk about one of my favorite film.
One of my favorite films is “Taxi Driver”. This is a film of 1976 directed by Martin Scorsese and writed by Paul Schrader. Although it is old, I watch it whenever I can.

The film is set in New York, shortly after the end of the Vietnam War, and is protagonized by one of my favorite actors: Robert De Niro, who plays Travis Bickle, a lonely veteran, mentally unstable who began working as a taxi driver, joining the troubled life city night. Also involved in this film Jodie Foster when she was a teenager.

Travis Bickle is a former Vietnam fighter, a common man without much education and basic intelligence, who suffers from depression and from anxiety. He feels increasingly rejected by the society. Also is addicted to pornography.

He tries to seduce a promoter of a candidate for president, but she rejects him upon realizing their vices what causes a craving for revenge planning to assassinate the candidate.

Additionally he suffers from insomnia and spends nights in the triple X movies. In order to take the time out and earn money becomes a taxi driver at night.

However, while driving his taxi, is a silent witness for all the evils that exist in the big city: the prostitution, violence, prejudices, follies, slums. Travis writes down everything in a notebook, he becomes paranoid and takes action to respond to violence with violence.

I like this film because it is a subtle irony, Travis has just exalted by newspapers as a new hero after saving the life of Iris (Jodie Foster), who is a young prostitute.

“Taxi Driver” is a film not simple or easy to understand, but I recommend you watch it.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Post 4: Concerts in Santiago!

Hello, today I’m going to talk about the activities to do after this long weekend.
In next month’s come to Chile several bands to give concerts, you can go to enjoy the concerts of Incubus, Pixies, Queens of the Stone Age, Faith no More, Primus, etc.
I knew about these concerts because I listen to Sonar radio all days and I read , in that web site always there are news about music, movies, etc.
I went to many concerts before and I enjoy so much listen to live music.
One of my favorite bands to give a concert is Rage Against The Machine (RATM). This concerts is important to me because is the first time that band comes to our country.
RATM gives a concert in two weeks more next to Mars Volta and other band that I don’t know how is her name. The concerts will be in “Bicentenario” stadium in the upcoming October 11.
I will go with my friends and I hope that the next day I haven’t nothing to do for college.
I recommend you to go to this concert or any of others concerts, I know that tickets are too expensive but I think that in this case or for example for Faith no more or Primus worth to pay for him.
Also I recommend you if you go to any concert that you eat bananas because let you keep you during all concert and not faint you and I recommend you of course drink water!