Saturday 16 October 2010

Post 6: Gender reassignment can take its toll on the mental health of vulnerable individuals

Juliet Jacques suffers from anxiety and depression since age 10, at the same age she realized that was transsexual.
The OMS classifies "gender dysphoria" as a mental illness, and in UK, transsexualism is treated in mental health services.

She says that in the school was terrified that others know of her choice. At that time, she didn't know transgender people, and, before the Internet, she didn't know where he could find, or hear their views on life.

Leaving school, go out and find new friends dissipated her anxiety for a while. But, unable to fit into any community, continued to struggle with the exact nature of their gender.
She started with psychological therapy and there she understood that her anxiety and depression much better than before the transition to a woman, she finally began to realize that it might be chemical rather than (or in addition to) psychological.
With antidepressants improved their depression and anxiety, but her energy levels dropped and their dreams were terrible. Also, daily activities were complicated, as it wasn't easy to stand as a woman with an identification of man.

Currently her doses are low and her dreams stopped, and increased energy levels and she feels much better to face life that decided to live.
Juliet thinks that some people lose their family, friends, etc. in the transition, however, what aggravates the transition are internal trauma that preceded her coming and the effects of a lifetime in a body that doesn't suit them. She thinks that it is society that makes it look like a transsexual perversion, so it isn't surprising that transgender people who lack access to support is harmed, sometimes fatally, in its fight against its momentum.
This news is relevant because it illustrates how psychological therapy can help to a person to accept herself.
If you want to read this entire review: news.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pamela!!
    your news is very sad, it is very complicate the topic, but as you talk the help psychology is very important and with this the persons with this problems can are good.
