Wednesday 30 June 2010

My Last Blog

Today I’m going to talk about the last blog!

Well, first I really enjoyed the activity, I have never done this before and in general it was a very funny experience, I found it interesting to have the opportunity to discuss issues which interest me as my favorite concert, my favorite music, my favorite film , topics about my career and important authors as Vittorio Guidano, among other themes. I think the development of this activity allowed me to improve my level of English, because I should reflect on the issues and be able to present arguments and ideas.

I consider that a very important advantage of this working method is that it provides the possibility of incorporating technology into learning, you can learn vocabulary and expressions while delves into topics of personal interest, it also allows you to interact with classmates through the comments, generating a feedback that enriches the process.

Although I make a positive assessment of the activity, I could point out as a disadvantage of blogging in the English class is the time required for its development, academic load of English class is sometimes a little excessive, and when you have other subjects and many work groups, you don’t dedicate the time necessary to study.

Finally, I would like to say that, in a very special way, I will miss the blogging activity because it was fun to talk about topics that I like, thinking, generating criticism, new ideas and sharing this with others who may also be interested, also through the blogs of my classmates I learnt about them and their own interests which impacts not only on learning of academic content, but on the development of interpersonal relationships.

So, it is time to say good bye, this was nice experience, I hope we will meet in another opportunity without forget what we learnt. Greetings!

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Psychosocial Trauma in Chili

Today I’m going to talk about Psychosocial Trauma in Chili.

In our country for nearly 17 years human rights were violated by military regimen of Augusto Pinochet. Those violations marked forever the history of our country.

Many people during the military regime were persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, disappeared and dead. Today their families suffer the consequences of these atrocities. They are a traumatized population. From psychology, can say that this population suffers a” psychosocial trauma”.

Trauma is a term that used to refer to injuries that leave an effect relatively permanent, a wound that leaves a mark. En psychology it used to refer to experiences that mark a person, leave a residue permanent that is not good for her/his.
Psychosocial trauma is a term proposed by Ignacio Martin Baró and refers to a historical process that may have left an entire population affected, the traumatized, in the sense that social relations are disrupted, which is expressed in psychosocial processes that tend to the establishment of distrust, rigidity, skepticism and violence as a means of conflict resolution.

This is the case of many Chileans who suffered violence political from the State.

There are two aspects important in psychosocial trauma: first, the injury that affects every person has been produced in whole or socially, so their roots are not in a single individual but in their society, and second, that their livelihood is found in relationship between individual and society through various institutional mediation, group and even individual.
Ignacio Martin Baró proposes three axes from which you can learn symptoms or causes of psychosocial trauma in a society: violence, social polarization and institutional lie. These three axes you can found it in our society and contribute to prolonging psychological trauma.
If you want to know more about psychological trauma I invite you to attend classes on Friday morning. Greetings!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

My Favorite Photograph

Today I’m going to talk about my favorite photograph

This photograph was taked by my sister in December of 2002. The boy that appears there is my nephew; his name is “Darian”.

He is 13 years old, is my first and unique nephew, I don’t have others nephews or nieces. When he was born I was in the same hospital because I was sick. I remember that day very well.
I was to come out of hospital and my brother arrives and he hugs me and tells me: “He was born” whit his brown eyes filled of tears. It was a very special moment because I never saw my brother so happy.
My nephew is a very special person to me, because when he was a baby, I was at school and my mom took care of him in the afternoons. When I came back from school, he was always sleeping, and sometimes I woke him up just to play with him. Also, I prepared his milk and I changed his nappies too.
I remember that one day I entered to my house and he was hiding under the table. I did not see him, but he yelled: "Fantita Fresia". This is how he call me in my home. It was so fun, because he comes out from under table and he hugs me. In this picture he was just five years old. It's funny because when he was a child, he loved posing for the camera, now that is a teenager he doesn’t like photographs. I think it's something he learned in my family, none of my brothers likes to posing for the camera, me neither.
I love my nephew, although he is a teenager, I still see him as a child.

Thursday 10 June 2010

Michel Foucault

I think a very important person for psychology’s field is Michel Foucault, he is not a psychologist but he developed significant contributions considered and used by social psychology, especially in its most critical current and legal psychology. Michel Foucault was a french philosopher, historian, critic and sociologist.

He held a chair at the Collège de France with the title “History of Systems of Thought", and also taught at the University of California, Berkeley. Foucault is best known for his critical studies of social institutions, most notably psychiatry, medicine, the human sciences, and the prison system, as well as for his work on the history of human sexuality. Foucault's work on power, and the relationships between power, knowledge, and discourse has been widely discussed. In the 1960s Foucault was often associated with the structuralist movement. Foucault later distanced himself from structuralism. While Foucault was always typically characterized by the post-structuralist and postmodernist labels, he personally rejected the postmodernist and post-structuralist labels, preferring to classify his thought as a critical history of modernity, rooted in Kant.

Although Foucault is not defined as a psychologist I consider him the best in thinking about power relations in various fields, and whose principles have been widely used by social psychology in general. I like Foucault because he proposed a new way of understanding knowledge, subjectivity and social structure among others.
I hope you like learning more about him, greetings!

Tuesday 1 June 2010

The Godfather

Hello, I’m going to talk about my favorite film.

My favorite film is “The Godfather”. These are a series of films directed by Francis Ford Coppola. These are based on the book of the same name wroted by Mario Puzzo. Eventhough I love the whole “Godfather saga” ,my favorite is the second part, and I will talk about this one.

The film relates two parallels plots in different times. The main plot is the continuation of the first film, and tells us about Corleone family in the 50’s and the life of the younger godfather´s son -Michael Corleone- as “Don”. The second plot is a flashback that tells us about Vito Corleone, Michael´s father, and his life in Italy and USA before he will be the godfather. I like so much the flashbacks even though the principal history is very entertaining too.

I love this film because tells how Vito Corleone become a “Don”. He was a kid when his father is murdered in Sicily, by a capo of Mafia called Don Ciccio. His name in Italy was Vito Andollini but when he arrived to USA, his last name was changes by Corleone due to an error. Corleone was the village where he lived.

Vito grows in "little Italy" in New York early twentieth century. Film doesn’t shows the growth of Vito Corleone, only shows when he arrived to USA and shows when Vito got married and knowns his friend, Clemenza , and how they enter to the world of the Mafia.

The three films are great but I recommend to watch this one because is top, even though read the book is even better.